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The admin cpanel has facilities for both generating and tracking the use of discount codes. If you have the required permissions, you can generate discount codes to be used for P.O.S orders.

How to generate discounts

Login to your back office, under admin c-panel, click on the 'generate discount' button.

Generate discount window

Enter the discount amount and a description for what occasion the discount is for. Be sure to check on 'POS discount' otherwise the code generated will not be able to clear any bill.

Generated code

Tracking discounts

To track the use of discount codes, there's a discounts report that can be accessed in the admin cpanel.

The discounts report

Here you can see all codes generated in a given period of time (which you set using 'date from' and 'date to').

For each code, you can see who generated the code, its value, when it was generated, what is was for (the given description), who claimed the code and the specific bill number it was claimed on.