On download, you have 7 free trial days.
You also qualify for 14% discount, which you can claim by paying on the 1st day of download. The discount is reduced by 2% every day.
The first time you run Managex, the following window will popup;
Enter your business details,
Select the Managex Type or class that you want (We recommend Managex Silver which has all features, and Gold is accessible on more than 1 computer).
Select the your country.
Save the details.
You can see your Managex code, which is unique to your computer and shall be used to reference your License. Either that or the email you set as business email.
You cannot change the company name, email, phone number, and Managex class after the first entry.
After the 7 days of trial period, you can choose to pay for the full license, or pay for 7days or 30days extension.
The buttons are initially hidden but will show after the 7 days.
Activate your payment
There are 2 ways to activate your payment
Make payment via MPESA and use the Confirmation code to activate.
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