P.O.S Configuration
Commmon configuration for the system is done through a text file named 'local_settings.dat' at the root of the liquid folder in your C:/Program Files/Kingsoft/Liquid. If any changes are made to this file, hotelex should be restarted. The value of any setting, if not strictly 'true', defaults to false.
This allows a user to forward their bills to the cashier for payment verification and clearance, It adds the 'Forward bill' button to the user's interface. If this setting is false on the cashier's machine, they too won't be able to forward bills on behalf of waiters.
This is the maximum length of an mpesa code expected in the payment details window (usually its value is 4). For any mpesa code used to clear a bill, one must input the last (x) digits of the code (where x is the value of this setting).
Allows a waiter to move items across orders. Make sure to also enable the option show_split_button so that the 'move-item' button appears when you select an item in an order.
Only printed items can be moved
Adds a 'move-item' button to the interface that appears when a printed order item is selected.
If this is true, a waiter or sales person can forward a bill using a pdq/mpesa code that is not yet registered in the system. Later however, the pdq receipt or mpesa message should be presented to the cashier for payment verification before clearing the waiter's bill.
If it is false, pdq/mpesa codes have to be registered first in the system before they can be used to forward bills. In the case of mpesa, codes are automatically registered in the system as soon as they are received if mpesa intergration is active. For pdq, the cashier has to add the code to the system first.
This goes hand in hand with Allow_forward_mpesa_pdq_for_later_validation in that, if later validation is false, this is set to true to ensure only the cashier can register pdq codes into the system.
If this is false and the cashier doesn't have admin rights, they will not be able to view the mpesa codes list.
This is set when mpesa has been intergrated with the system. It disallows the use of any mpesa code that is not already automatically registered in the system. If true, it overrides the later validation setting for both pdq and mpesa codes.
This allows the waiter to print a final bill for an order. It adds the 'final bill' button to the waiter's interface.
This allows unlimited printing of the final bill for any order. If false, the final bill can only be printed once. Only the admin can reprint bills in their order checks view.
If true, forwarding a bill will also clear the bill. Anywhere there would be a 'forward' button, there will be a 'clear bill' button instead (like on the payment details window). It is recommended to only use this setting for the cashier's machine if they can forward a bill on behalf of a waiter (so that they won't have to forward then clear the bill).
If this is true, there will be a 'clear forwarded' button on the waiter's interface that will bring up all their forwarded bills allowing them to clear each one. Set this to true at your own risk.
The value of this setting is printed in bills as the payment details, it can either be a till number or a paybill number.
If payment is by till, the value should be placed in the following format:
primary_paybill_no=Till No, xxxxxx;
If payment is by paybill, the format should be as follows:
primary_paybill_no=Paybill xxxxxx, acc zzzzzz;